Une journée en taxi () Duration: 1H24M Description: Two men spend 24 hours driving around the outskirts of Montreal… Trailer ↗ Canada France Drama
Category: Canada
Not Yet Diagnosed ()
Qatuwas: People Gathering Together ()
Qatuwas: People Gathering Together () Duration: 58M Description: Mission Statement: Uniting the people of the Big Houses, Potlatches and Canoes, affirming our relationship to the land and sea, upholding out ancestral laws In 2010 the HTC provided a BCR in support of Heiltsuk Nation hosting Qat….. Trailer ↗ Canada Documentary
BP (Pushing the Boundaries) ()
Formule Villeneuve ()
The Deadly Game of Nations ()
European Rendezvous ()
Something to Celebrate ()
Notorious B.I.G.: Bigga Than Life ()
Carnets du Maroc I – Mémoire à rebours ()
Captive Minds: Hypnosis and Beyond ()
Margaret Atwood: Once in August ()
Margaret Atwood: Once in August () Duration: 58M Description: In Margaret Atwood: Once in August, filmmaker Michael Rubbo attempts to discover what shapes the celebrated writer’s fiction and what motivates her characters. As one of Canada’s most distinguished poets and novelists, Atwood is a….. Trailer ↗ Canada Documentary
Le dernier glacier ()
Le dernier glacier () Duration: 1H24M Description: In December 1982 the Iron Ore Company decide to close their iron mining facilities at Schefferville in the Nouveau-Quebec region. To close the mine is to close the town. The mine is the only employer. Raoul lost his job 10 years a….. Trailer ↗ Canada Documentary Drama History